Full name: Ivan Alexandrovich Stankevich
Date of birth: September 25, 1973
Place of birth: Moscow
Place of residence: Cyprus
Occupation: Entrepreneur, businessman, banker
Early life and education
Ivan Alexandrovich Stankevich was born on September 25, 1973 in Moscow and grew up in the intellectual family. His father, Alexander Ivanovich Stankevich, (03.03.1942 - 17.01.2005) was an outstanding scholar, Doctor of Engineering Science, professor, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences as well as a chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the USSR and then of the Russian Federation on the strength of materials and machine parts. He held the chair of the Department of Machine Parts at Moscow Aviation Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze for the last 15 years of his life. He was an author of many books and guidance manuals from which Russian students still study. Since the 1990s he was active in business as well as was a Deputy Director General of DROFA publishing house and responsible for the publication of educational materials for the Higher School. His mother, Valentina Ivanovna Stankevich, born on 22.05.1947, also got a higher education at Moscow Aviation Institute and until 1985 worked at the leading scientific institutions of the USSR. Despite her successful career, she quit her job and dedicated her life to her son’s upbringing and education.
At the age of 4, his parents enrolled him to the chess school of Lyudmila Sergeyevna Belavenets, the honored chess coach of the USSR. There, for three years, at the age of 7, he was able to get the 2nd adult category in chess. It was surprising because he did it 5-6 years earlier than his peers. He repeatedly participated in the TV program "Chess School" on the USSR central channel, which his coach Belavenets L.S hosted. He also took part in exhibition matches together with the former world champion V.Smyslov and other leading Grand Masters of the USSR.
In 1990, he successfully finished the secondary school No. 167 in Moscow and entered the Moscow State Mining University. He graduated from the university in 1995 having defended his diploma thesis “World gold market conjuncture” with the excellent mark in English. The diploma defence in English was extremely rare at that time. As one of the best students of the university, he was chosen to participate in the student exchange program with Bradley University, Illinois in 1994. There, over one semester he was able to collect and analyze a large amount of data on the subject of gold mining. Later, he used the received data at Bradley University when writing a Ph.D. Thesis “Economic justification for the mechanism of gold leasing by mining enterprises during the period of liberalization of the precious metals market”, which he defended in 2001 and was awarded a scientific degree of Ph.D. in Economics. In 2008, he received a Master's degree of Business Administration in Finance and Banks.
In parallel with his studies, he worked in commercial banks "BAM credit", "Industrial credit" and private business where he climbed the career ladder from the ordinary precious metals specialist to the deputy chairman of the board and member of the bank's board of directors. He also actively participated in social activities as a banker promoting an innovative money transfer system in the countries of the former USSR as well as made reports at many thematic forums uniting bankers.
In 2008, he took an active part in obtaining a banking license for the commercial bank New Time and developing the banking business on its basis. For a relatively short period of time, from 2008 to 2015, this bank showed growth in assets and capital and managed to propel to the top 250 Russian banks from more than a thousand banks that existed in the Russian Federation at that time. Ivan Stankevich achieved the great result working at this bank. For almost ten years of work in the market the bank had only one non-performing loan on its balance sheet. It was a unique situation in Russia at that time. In 2015, due to family circumstances, Stankevich decided to move to the Republic of Cyprus where he became a Cypriot citizen.
At the present time, he is engaged in business activities in the Republic of Cyprus as well as one of the shareholders of a project to build residential apartments in the largest city of Cyprus, Limassol, where now there is a sharp surge in interest from Russian, Asian and Arab investors. He also works in a Cyprus company as a specialist in assessing investment risks in Cyprus real estate. He is married and has two daughters born on 2003 and 2016.