Швалов Павел Григорьевич
к.э.н. доцент кафедры логистики
Красноярский государственный университет,
г. Красноярск, Россия
E-mail: shvalov@yandex.ru
In modern conditions of urbanization, both the resettlement of rural residents to urban areas and the increase in commuting are widespread both in Russian Federation and abroad. It becomes, mostly, due to a number of reasons related to the logistics infrastructure. In order to realize the above-mentioned advantages, the presence of a developed logistic infrastructure that integrates the elements of the social, economic and institutional infrastructures that make up the settlements into a single multi-level system that ensures the unhindered functioning of material, service, human (personnel) and related information and financial flows is needed.
Let's consider the development of the logistics infrastructure of some administrative districts of the Krasnoyarsk urban agglomeration (Table 1) with reference to their connection with the core of the metropolitan area - the city of Krasnoyarsk (Picture 1).
The Berezovsky district plays a leading role in providing cargo turnover to the
Krasnoyarsk city
agglomeration due to the presence
of a large
railway station
Krasnoyarsk-Vostochny (Eastern), which is the largest on the Krasnoyarsk
railroad. At the present moment, this district is the only peripheral district
in the Krasnoyarsk city agglomeration, offering a full range of logistics
services on the basis of logistics centers,
despite the fact that the freight turnover of vehicles for the period has a
steady tendency to decrease. The main medium-term objectives are the
modernization of the economic infrastructure, including the development of the
industrial sector, the reconstruction of communal infrastructure facilities, as
well as measures to increase the effectiveness of the institutional
infrastructure [3].
The city of Divnogorsk is located on the way of a single logistical flow linking the Republics of Khakassia and Tyva with the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and the size of the transit cargo traffic has dramatically decreased due to the reconstruction of the road network of the Emelyanovskiy district.
Despite the availability of water and rail transport infrastructure in the city, their use is minimal, as in the case of rail transport, or is episodic, as is the case with water transport. As a consequence, an almost exclusive role in ensuring the interconnection between the city and the core of the agglomeration is carried out by road transport, which has a rather limited development potential. The reason for this is the fact that, as with the core of the urban agglomeration, and with other areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the city is connected by only one two-lane highway, an additional restriction of its capacity is its complex profile. The analysis carried out within the framework of the study shows the lack of quantitative development of the infrastructure, including the development of both auto- and railway infrastructure. This is recorded in such indicators as the density of motor roads of general use with a hard surface, the length of the lines of rail passenger transport and light rail pass, investment in fixed capital per capita.
The township of Kedrovy, at present, is a satellite city of Krasnoyarsk, connected with the regional center only by road.
The city of Krasnoyarsk is a major transit hub located at the
intersection of the
Trans-Siberian Railway and
the Federal Highway
“Baikal” (P258) with a
meridian river route within the Yenisei River and the Federal Highway “Yenisei”
(P255). Being the core of the Krasnoyarsk city agglomeration, the city plays a
key role in the
realization of the economic, social and institutional function of the urban
agglomeration, as well as the main node of the logistical infrastructure of the
urban agglomeration. The amount of motor roads in the city over the past 5
years has increased from 1,056 to 1,089 km. , which corresponds to their
density of 2.87 km per 1 square km of the territory. The length of rail and
light rail passenger transport for this period remained unchanged at 62 km. for
public railways and 44 km (in single-track calculation) for tram lines.
Pic. 1. Scheme of logistical interrelations of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk city agglomeration
The main type of interurban passenger transport is bus transport (more than 80 of passenger turnover, as for 2017). The role of electric transport is noticeably lower than in other large cities of Russian Federation, due to the fact that this type of transport has not only stagnated for the past 20-30 years, but also the density of the tram and trolleybus lines has significantly decreased in this period. Railways play an important, but limited role in inter-urban passenger transport, and the issue of increasing its share through the further use of the cargo by-pass of the Trans-Siberian Railway, adjacent to the areas of intensive housing and commercial construction, is being considered [1].
The main population centers and economic objects of the Mansky district are outside the radius of 60 km from the core of the urban agglomeration, usually taken as the boundaries of the natural formation of urban agglomerations. The key types of transport in the district are automobile and railways, while there are no significant objects of logistics service and cargo handling. A set of program activities aimed at the development of the transport complex of the Mansky District is envisaged, which includes the development of the transport infrastructure and involves the following activities:
· development of intermunicipal and suburban bus routes;
· replacement of the bus fleet on intermunicipal and suburban routes to more modern and comfortable ones;
· construction and arrangement of roadside service;
· control over passenger transportation;
· construction, major repairs and maintenance of highways [4].
The Sukhobuzimsky district is the only peripheral districs not directly adjacent to the core of the Krasnoyarsk city agglomeration (see picture 1). Transport communication is carried out by road through the territory of the Emelyanovsky district. Also this area is the only one that does not have access to the railway, which significantly limits the logistics potential of the territory. In addition, the administrative center of the district is located outside the radius of 60 km from the core of the urban agglomeration, which, in the absence of high-speed transport, further limits interaction within the urban agglomeration. As a result, this region is lagging behind other areas of the Krasnoyarsk urban agglomeration in terms of indicators of both economic and social and institutional infrastructure. The purpose of the comprehensive program for the development of the district for the period until 2020 is to create conditions for improving the social and economic situation in the region. The main factors of economic growth should be the development of the agro- industrial sector, including the introduction of innovative technologies, and the development of small business [5].
The development of the logistics
infrastructure in the cities of Sosnovoborsk and Zheleznogorsk is inextricably linked with the development of the Krasnoyarsk urban
agglomeration, within the framework of which it is envisaged to "create
and develop a unified transport, social and engineering infrastructure and
coordinate plans for housing and industrial construction" [2]. With the
city-core of the Krasnoyarsk city agglomeration, they are primarily connected
by road transport: the non-passenger railway station of the departmental
railway line of the Zheleznogorsk Mining and Chemical Company is adjacent to
the city, but its role in providing the city of Sosnovoborsk is insignificant. There
are transport communications with
the settlements of the Yemelyanovsky and Berezovsky districts, provided
only by road.
The Yemelianovsky district
plays a key
role in providing
logistics links between the urban
agglomeration and the external environment. All types of transport are used in
the region, of which air transport is of special importance (2 airports,
including 1 international). The issue of further development of the aviation
hub on the basis of the Krasnoyarsk International Airport is being considered.
With the core of agglomeration, this area links both road and rail transport.
In general, the analysis of cities and districts has shown that, despite the improvement of the main economic indicators, the indicators of the development of the logistics infrastructure have an insignificant dynamics.
Activities that include the development of transport and storage infrastructure are foreseen mainly in some areas; However, the development of logistics infrastructure in the social and economic environment, in general, lags behind the requirements [7]. Consequently, firstly, there is a need for coordinated territorial planning of the logistics infrastructure of peripheral areas, which will contribute to their further development.
Secondly, the question arises of integrative development of transport and warehouse infrastructure. Within the existing concepts of district development, at best, it is stipulated that it should be developed to provide radial logistic flows within the urban agglomeration, while chordal and external flows are not indicated. Third, we should take into account the development of the logistics infrastructure in solving the problems of the development of the communal and social spheres, since it has a direct impact on the performance of the social function of the urban agglomeration, and the implementation of projects for the development of the communal sphere requires efficient operation of transport and storage farms of the territory.
We can say that the infrastructure development of these areas demonstrates non-systematic character, which makes it more difficult to develop the logistics infrastructure of the urban agglomeration and is capable of leading to disproportions in its development in the future. Thus, the formation of a logistics infrastructure is a necessary condition for realizing the tasks of developing peripheral areas of the Krasnoyarsk urban agglomeration.
In our opinion, the main tasks of developing the logistics infrastructure of the Krasnoyarsk urban agglomeration in relation to the implementation of interaction between peripheral cities of regions with the core of agglomeration are:
1. Increasing the capacity of the transport network between Krasnoyarsk and Divnogorsk. Given the limited capacity of the existing highway, a key role in ensuring freight and passenger transport should lie with rail transport. Increased passenger transportation by rail will reduce the load on the road network, thereby reducing the time of delivery of goods between cities.
2. Increasing the capacity of the transport network between Krasnoyarsk and Sosnovoborsk / Zheleznogorsk. It is necessary to implement the project for the reconstruction of the existing departmental railway for the organization of passenger and freight traffic. In addition: increase the capacity between Sosnovoborsk / Zheleznogorsk and settlements of Yemelyanovsky district in order to accelerate the movement of goods in the western direction.
The implementation of these measures is a key task, the implementation of which will create a basis for the formation of the integrated logistics infrastructure of the Krasnoyarsk city agglomeration. Thus, creating the basis for further social and economic development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
1. Территориальный орган федеральной государственной службы статистики по Красноярскому краю [Электронный ресурс] / Режим доступа: http://www.krasstat.gks.ru/default.aspx
2. Генеральный план города Сосновоборск. Приложение 2 к решению Сосновоборского городского Совета депутатов № 312-р от 23.12.2009 г [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа : http://sosnovoborsk- city.ru/index.php?nma=onas&fla=index. Официальный сайт города Сосновоборска.
3. Комплексная программа социально-экономического развития Березовского района на 2010-2015, 2020 годы [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа : http://www.berezovsky.krskstate.ru/ . Сайт муниципального образования «Березовский район».
4. Программа социально-экономического развития Манского района на период до 2020 года [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа : http://manaadm.ru/ . Интернет-представительство Манского района.
5. Концепция «Комплексной программы социально-экономического развития Сухобузимского района до 2020 года» [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа : http://www.suhobuzimo.ru/node/3158 . Информационный портал Сухобузимского района.
6. Швалов П.Г., Лукиных В.Ф., Факторы развития логистической инфраструктуры в периферийных районах городской агломерации [Текст] // Логистика: современные тенденции развития : материалы XI Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. 19, 20 апреля 2012 г. / ред. кол.: В.С. Лукинский (отв. ред.) [и др.]. – СПб.: СпбГИЭУ, 2012. – 472 с.