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From editorial board

Traditionally, every year, at the end of April, we gather representatives of science and business in Krasnoyarsk at the next International Scientific and Practical Conference “Logistics - Eurasian Bridge”. In 2021, this is conference No. 16. The mission of the conference is to offer the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of logistics and supply chain management to the international community.

This year, the first part will be held on April 28 - as Valeria Ermakova International Competition of Scientific Works among Young Researchers between students, undergraduates, post-graduates. Then  on April 29-30 – the second part of the conference is planned – The International Symposium «Logistics - Northern Vector». It will begin in Krasnoyarsk and continiue in the city of Yeniseisk, the ancient city in the north of Krasnoyarsk Territory. Two days of communication will contribute to the birth of new ideas and methods in terms of the development of Yenisei Siberia macro-region.

We will name universities and organizations facilitating the conference in one way or another: Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (Krasnoyarsk), St. Petersburg State University of Economics, International Logistics Center of the National Research University - Higher School of Economics ( Moscow), Turan University (Kazakhstan), International Logistics Club (Moscow), Central Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, European Logistic Association (Belgium), International Institute of Logistics (Slovenia), Satbayev Kazakh National Technical University (Republic of Kazakhstan), Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Siberian Transport (Novosibirsk), Interregional Public Organization of Entrepreneurs of Siberia "Siberia Without Borders" (Krasnoyarsk), Krasnoyarsk Regional Public Organization "Chinese Community", Siberian Branch of the International Logistics Center (Krasnoyarsk ).

The peculiarity of the XVI Conference is that it is currently in demand as one of the many system tools for the development of global logistics at the turn of the transition to the digital economy and the integration of countries not on political motives, but on stream processes.

The results of their research in the conference proceedings were presented by doctors and candidates of sciences, graduate students, undergraduates, students, as well as representatives of business structures. In addition to participants from Krasnoyarsk, representatives from many cities of Russia and other countries take part in the conference.

The collection presents comprehensive views on the concept of logistics development and supply chain management. Conference materials allow us to form an opinion on the current state of researching in various areas of logistics.

In 2020 the second National Certification Center for Logistics Specialists was opened in Russian Federation under the name «NCC-East» at the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University. This makes it possible to obtain new opportunities for further improvement of the vocational education environment for students enrolled in the logistics program at the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, as well as for any other specialists in the industry. This year, the first nine specialists will pass exams to obtain the qualifications of a junior and a senior logistician. This is a step forward in our logistics community and an important small contribution to the development of the economy.

As always, the presented collection of research materials emphasizes the idea of the conference: Logistics is the Eurasian Bridge.


Dear Rector, Vice-rectors, head of cathedras, professor, former-actual-future students!

I congratulate you on the opening of the annual International Conference «Logistics - Eurasian Bridge»! Its peculiarity is that in the process of preparing and holding the conference, the human spirit and cooperation between professors, teachers and students are successfully combined.

We understand more and more that education is a lifelong occupation for all people. Due to the rapid development of science and technology, the world is now facing complex challenges that we have never faced before. A global, community and individual effort is needed to find new solutions for logistics and supply chain management everywhere. To cope with change and ensure that change helps our societies develop, our new generation must understand these complex issues, be knowledgeable, be able to work together and in a team, as well as be able to demonstrate moral principles and own a global agenda.

Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, together with its logistics education, is always at the forefront of providing quality education and playing a leading role in the implementation of new initiatives, while at the same time defending its traditions.

Once again, congratulations to all of you and I wish everyone lot of success for the future.


Vice-President of European

Logistics Association                                                                                 A.D. Antoni



Материал размещен кафедрой «Логистика и маркетинг в АПК» Красноярского ГАУ
Источник: Материалы XVI Международной научно-практической конференции «Логистика – Евразийский мост» ЛЕМ - 2021

Количество просмотров: 3091
05.01.2022 14:46 | log2021блог автора

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