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Талип Мадина Нурлан кызы

студент 2 курса,

Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби,

г. Алматы, Казахстан


Научный руководитель -  Тышканбаева Мансия Букарина

к.ф.-м.н,  доцент

Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби,

г. Алматы, Казахстан

Е-mail: mansya.bukar@yandex.ru

AnyLogic is the market leader in simulation and modeling technology due to its flexibility and distinctive multimethod modeling capabilities. It is is the only simulation tool that supports all the most common simulation methodologies in place today: System Dynamics, Process-centric (AKA Discrete Event), and Agent Based modeling. From supply chain and logistics to manufacturing and market analysis, all business areas are utilizing AnyLogic simulation software for better decision making throughout the entire business lifecycle. Using one tool for all business challenges enables organizations to save time and money, increase knowledge sharing, and link models across multiple departments.



AnyLogic is the choice of thousands users worldwide, hundreds of commercial and governmental organizations and hundreds of universities. Today, more than a quarter of simulation professionals worldwide choose AnyLogic as the best simulation software tool for business applications. 



AnyLogic Logistics Network Manager – Decision Support System for Network Optimization 

         AnyLogic Logistics Network Manager (ALNM) is an IT solution for management, optimization and analysis of logistics networks, including production facilities, terminals, warehouses, retailer and transport. You have the ability to analyze all possible logistics scenarios and choose the best solution for your firm, using ALNM. The system can also support operational decisions, such as changes in transportation costs, sales volume fluctuations, natural disasters and other “what-if” scenarios.

How it works?

Using simulation models, the ALNM system predicts how the logistics network will act in the future and calculates the metrics required by a manager for better decision making.

Success story: Logistics Network Manager Introduction in a huge retail company


Eldorado Company, a huge electronics retailer in Russia, with stores in 350 cities, needed to determine the optimal number of warehouses, and where they should be situated, in order to better fulfill customer demand and minimize delivery and storage expenses. The analysis showed that the problem could be solved with introduction of AnyLogic Logistics Network Manager. Input data provided by the customer described potential warehousing points: rent cost, investments for building new or modernizing old warehouses, average level and cost of storage, overall costs for staffing and security, etc.


The introduced system allowed the client to simulate, in detail, several kinds of activities:

  • Daily basis: goods are sold in stores, and losses from the shortage of demanded goods are counted.
  • Weekly basis: inventory is supplemented to target level, transportation costs are counted, and deferred payments to suppliers are planned.
  • Monthly basis: warehouse levels are renewed according to monthly sales levels of stores, transportation routes from warehouses to stores are generated, and franchisee shipments are planned.

Users can carry out several experiments with the model. The result of such an experiment is the best combination of warehouses that cost the least amount of money. In a simple experiment, a user manually chooses warehouses from the list, and launches the model with this combination in order to receive statistics about it.


The solution allowed the customer to choose the optimal positioning variant of a warehouse network out of 63,000 combinations. The software implementation costs are paid off during the first two months of work when using the distribution network system recommended by the model. The decision support system is expected to operate for a long time, as it allows the users to find new optimal distribution system setups in case the market situation changes.


Benefits of using AnyLogic in project “Western Europe – Western China”

Kazakhstan, which is located in the center of the Eurasian continent, continuously, implements formation and development of modern transport infrastructure, particularly, motoring highways of international importance. An active integration process into European and Asian regional system of motor roads with an access to the majority of states on Eurasian continent, the largest transport hubs and terminals are underway. In this regard, a transcontinental road corridor “Western Europe — Western China” is the main sectorial project of the beginning of this century. Main commercial partners of Kazakhstan are interested in its development. Using AnyLogic in this project will help to its development.



Solving every problem is made easier with multiple tools. The AnyLogic modeling and simulation environment gives you multiple modeling languages, for better, more profitable decision making, but which is the best for your individual needs? Well, you've come to the right place. Utilizing AnyLogic to solve your complex business problems, will give you a number of tools, combination of tools, and the guidance to choose wisely.

Real world problems rarely conform to one modeling language. Continuing to develop models with one methodology, or using software that only supports one method will limit the breadth and depth of your projects and cause unneeded complications. In these cases, a modeler will have to introduce workarounds, and unnatural elements like variables, blocks, and states, making the development process more problematic. This also makes understanding the model structure more difficult for other developers (and even yourself), increasing the unlikeliness that the model’s parts would be reused.

We understand, the time it takes to learn other modeling languages may seem overwhelming. But, consider the amount of time you will save on all your future projects, not to mention, increasing your modeling proficiency and the complexity of problems you will have the ability to solve. More importantly, if you have already begun developing your model, and it starts to look unnaturally complex and bulky, it’s time to consider other methods. The sooner the better! Again, making changes to your model during construction may seem difficult, but, as John Wooden says, “If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?”



1.     Innovation Excellence in Logistics /Arthur D. Little. – Brussels 2007

2.     The Road “Western Europe – Western China”: www.kazlogistics.kz

3.     AnyLogic Simulation Software: www.anylogic.com

Количество просмотров: 851
03.04.2018 13:09 | stacyблог автора

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